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2022-10-12 阅读次数 355
On October 12th, the first 4600TEU container ship "ZhongguJinan" built by NYZ Shipyard of YZJ Shipbuilding Group for ZhongguShipping was delivered and started its maiden voyage. On October 11th, the twosides held a grand naming and delivery ceremony. At the ceremony, Mr. LuZongjun, Chairman of Zhonggu Shipping Group, named the first new 4600TEUcontainer ship "Zhonggu Jinan", and he wished the new ship a safereturn despite the wind and waves. Later, Chairman Lu Zongjun and Mr. Jia Haocut the cable and threw champagne for the new ship. Guests wish the new ship asmooth sailing and a full load of classes.
There are 10 series ships in this project, which are designed bySDARI and naturalized by China Classification Society. The ship has a totallength of 228 meters, a width of 40 meters, a depth of 19.6 meters, a servicespeed of 15 knots, and the maximum number of nominal containers loaded canreach 4636TEU, of which 360 cold box sockets are arranged on the deck. Itserves the container transportation of the north-south line along the coast ofChina and the short-distance route transportation in Asia. Besides standardcontainers, it can also be loaded with railway boxes, expansion boxes andrefrigerated containers, which have strong cargo suitability and supportsea-rail intermodal transportation.
On the day of naming, the delivery ceremony of "ZhongguJinan" was successfully completed under the witness of many guests. Mr.Jia Hao, Head of Shipping Finance Division of ICBC Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.,Mr. Xia Guoqing, Vice President of Zhonggu Shipping Group, and Mr. Zhang Tao,Deputy General Manager of our group, respectively signed the delivery documentson behalf of all parties.
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