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2022-11-09 views 267
On November 7th, the second 4600TEU container ship "ZhongguNanning" built by New Yangzi Shipyard for Zhonggu Shipping was deliveredand started its maiden voyage. A grand naming and delivery ceremony was held beforethe ship’s sail.
Mr. Xia Guoqing, VicePresident of Zhonggu Shipping Group, sponsor Mr. Lu Changwei, Senior Manager of Zhonggu Shipping Group, Mr. Wang Gangyi, Chief Engineer of Shanghai Ship Design andResearch Institute, Mr. Wang Gang, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Instituteof CCS, Ms. Yang Yunqing, Marketing Director of Intercontinental ShippingManagement Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Du Chengzhong, Deputy General Manager of YZJShipbuilding Group, Zhang Tao, Deputy General Manager of YZJ Shipbuilding Group,Zhou Kewei, Deputy General Manager of YZJ Shipbuilding Group and other leadersand guests attended the naming ceremony.
Guests wish the new ship a smooth sailing and a full load ofclasses. Carrying the sincere wishes of everyone, the "ZhongguNanning" ship was delivered at noon of November 7th.
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